About us!

DarsAlYowm is founded by our internationally acclaimed Raqi Shaykh Muhammad Karim, who is a highly experienced spiritual healer with a remarkable track record spanning over 25 years. He has conducted more than 5000 live Ruqya sessions on the DarsAlYowm YouTube channel. 
By the mercy and permission of Allah SWT, Shaykh Muhammad Karim has helped thousands of people with their physical and spiritual ailments such as Black magic, Evil eye and Jinn related issues, and also other difficulties and illnesses. 

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, ''He who relieves a Muslim of his trouble, Allah will relieve him of his troubles on the Day of Resurrection''. (Bukhari)

Alhumdulliah, DarsAlYowm has many channels to reach people worldwide. 
With the Live Ruqya sessions daily and our Ruqya infused products, we aim to help all those in need by the will and grace of Allah SWT. 

It was narrated from Ibn Umar (RA) that a man came to the Prophet and said, 'O Messenger of Allah, which of the people is dearest to Allah? and which deeds are dearest to Allah?' Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, ''The dearest of people to Allah is the one who does most benefit to people, and dearest of deeds to Allah, is joy that you bring to a Muslim, or relieving him of a distress, or paying off debt for him, or dispeeling his hunger. And to walk with his brother to meet his needs is dearer to me than observing itikaaf in this Mosque- meaning the Mosque of Madinah- for a month''.
(Narrated by at-Tabaraani)

DarsAlYowm is a platform not only for Ruqya treatments, but also for guiding people towards Islam and helping them with any difficulties and life issues, to heal their health, hearts and minds. 

Start your healing journey with us InshaAllah. 

We pray that our service brings you comfort and good health, and you see maximum results from our products by the permission of Allah SWT. 
We pray Allah SWT grants every single one of you complete Shifa, removes all your difficulties, and keeps you under His Divine protection, Ameen. 

Shaykh Muhammad Karim,
