Recurring Sadaqah service (Sadaqah Jaariyah) in a form of building water handpumps
‘Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was asked, “Which charity is best?” He replied, “(Providing) water'’. (Abu Dawud)
DarsAlYowm offers a recurring Sadaqah service in a form of building water pumps in very remote areas of certain countries to provide clean, running water to disadvantaged communities.
A Handpump is a small but efficient mechanism which can support a household or a small communal area with access to clean drinking water. Handpumps provide households with as much water as they need each day for drinking, cleaning and cooking.
Your support of a handpump can either be done in your name or the name of somebody else or in memory of a loved one who has passed away.
It is a beautiful act of Sadaqah Jariyah, as communities will benefit from your water pump donation for years to come. Insha’Allah with every drop of water drunk or used for washing, will bring you beautiful reward upon reward.
Information of our Sadqah Jariyah in a form of a Water handpump:
A handpump in your name will be built for the poor and needy in very remote parts of certain countries. You may offer this water donation for yourself or on behalf of someone else.
On the authority of Sa‘d bin ’Ubadah (RA) that he said,
‘O Messenger of Allah! Umm (mother of) Sa‘d has died, so which charity is best?’ He [PBUH] replied, “Water (is best).” He said, ‘So he [RA] dug a well and said, “This (well) is for Umm Sa‘d’. (Abu Dawud)
Build a handpump for a family in need.
Upon completion of a water handpump, you will receive a completion report which includes pictures of your sponsored handpump benefiting the local community where it has been installed.
Allah (SWT) says in the Quran, ‘‘And we made from water every living thing’’. (Surah Al Anbaya,21:30)
Please contact Shaykh Muhammad Karim on +447846495032 for further enquires.
Information required-
Please state your full name and/ or of the person/persons in whose name the Sadaqah Jariyah is for. You can choose a name (max 25 characters) for the plaque on the handpump.
Please include your contact number and email address for DarsAlYowm to contact you with details of your Water handpump.